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Tips for Teens, The Truth About Inhalants

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INHALANTS AFFECT YOUR BRAIN. Inhalants are gases or fumes from everyday products that are inhaled or sniffed to cause an immediate high. Inhalants cut off oxygen to the brain and can damage your ability to think clearly, cause you to become clumsy, and harm your eyesight. Some of this damage can be permanent
INHALANTS AFFECT YOUR HEART. Inhalants starve the body of oxygen and force the heart to beat rapidly and irregularly. Your heart may even stop pumping blood.
INHALANTS AFFECT OTHER PARTS OF YOUR BODY. People who use inhalants often experience nausea and vomiting. Continued use of inhalants can lead to loss of hearing; damage to the sense of smell; loss of muscle control; and increased risk of cancer, as well as liver, lung, and kidney problems.
INHALANTS CAN CAUSE SUDDEN DEATH. Inhalants can kill you instantly. Immediate heart failure and death, known as “sudden sniffing death,” happens when the heart stops pumping blood. Inhalant users also can die by suffocating, choking on their vomit, or experiencing a seizure.Using inhalants from an attached paper or plastic bag or in a closed area greatly increases the chances of suffocation and death.
Sustance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Resource Date:
April, 2018
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Resource Address:
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
5600 Fishers Ln
Rockville, MD 20857